Hope this experience helped them to develop their ideas, personality, future plans and motivated them to do their best for themselves, their family and to Mexico.
This site was created and maintained by the students pertaining to Bioremediation Research group of the Faculty of Biological Sciences Torreon (Facultad de Ciencias Biologicas de la Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila en la ciudad de Torreon) of the Autonomous University of Coahuila, Mexico for open discussion on the themes related to Environment, contamination, remediation, science and life.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Welcome back
Natalia and Ulises have returned back today after their 5 months internship with Dr. K.C. Das at The University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA under the USAID-HED funded TIES phase III project. Bioremediation Group Laguna at Escuela de Ciencias Biologicas de la Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila in Torreon welcomes them back with much happiness and is looking forward to share their experiences.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Producción de Metano en BIológicas ::::: Methane production at Biologicas
En pruebas hechas por el Dr. Nagamani, Gerardo y Christian se pudo notar que la producción de metano en su proyecto va viento en popa asi que felicidades chavos por el trabajo hecho hasta ahora tanto los que andan en EU como los que estan disfrutando de sus ultimos días de Torreón.
On trials did by Dr. Nagamani, Gerardo and Christian it was evident the production of methane and their project is working, so congratulations gays for your work done until now by people in US as well as people who are enjoying their last days on Torreón.
On trials did by Dr. Nagamani, Gerardo and Christian it was evident the production of methane and their project is working, so congratulations gays for your work done until now by people in US as well as people who are enjoying their last days on Torreón.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
PNUMA, Atlas de nuestro cambiante medio ambiente ::::: PNUMA, Atlas of our changing environment
Existe una división de las Naciones Unidas dedicada al monitoreo del medio ambiente global para garantizar que las contingencias sean atendidas en forma adecuada por los diferentes gobiernos. Uno de los documentos informativos acerca de los cambios más significativos en el mundo es el llamado Atlas de nuestro cambiante medio ambiente, en el cual se muestran en imagenes de satelite con la ayuda de GoogleMaps los 120 lugares en que se presentó de 1973 al 2004 un cambio realmente significativo en agricultura, atmosfera, biodiversidad, energía, bosques, pastizales, eventos extremos, población, contaminación, agua entre otros. En México existen cinco lugares señalados por PNUMA que presentan diversos problemas ambientales:
Para más información visita
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Exists a division from United Nations dedicated to monitoring of global environment to garanted that contingencies be attended in a proper form by governments. One of the informative documents about the most significative changes in the world is the Atlas of our changing envornment in which are showed trough satellital images with help of GoogleMaps the 120 sites where were evident since 1973 to 2004 significative changes on agriculture, atmosphere, biodiversity, energy, forests, grasslands, extreme events, population, pollution, water between others. In Mexico exists five sites pointed by PNUMA that present some environmental problems:
For more information visit
- Angangueo: Lugar donde anualmente llegan las mariposas Monarca en Michoacan ha sufrido un cambio forestal y por lo tanto de biodiversidad ha sido afectada.
- Frontera sur: La frontera entre Guatemala y México ha sido objeto del nacimiento de nuevos tiraderos de basura producto del crecimiento urbano, lo que a traído consigo una deforestación importante.
- Lago de Chapala: En Jalisco el lago más grande de la república ha sido disminuido debido al crecimiento urbano de ciudades de la zona metropolitana de Guadalajara.
- Ciudad de México: La mancha urbana vista desde el espacio es impresionante el D.F. es la segunda ciudad más poblada del mundo solo por debajo de Tokyo, Japón.
- Torreón: Es señalado por PNUMA en su atlas gracias al problema de agua que hay en mi querida ciudad.
Para más información visita
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Exists a division from United Nations dedicated to monitoring of global environment to garanted that contingencies be attended in a proper form by governments. One of the informative documents about the most significative changes in the world is the Atlas of our changing envornment in which are showed trough satellital images with help of GoogleMaps the 120 sites where were evident since 1973 to 2004 significative changes on agriculture, atmosphere, biodiversity, energy, forests, grasslands, extreme events, population, pollution, water between others. In Mexico exists five sites pointed by PNUMA that present some environmental problems:
- Angangueo: Site where each year Monarch butterflies comed has suffered a forest change and therefore biodiversity has been affected.
- Southern border: The border of Guatemala and Mexico has been affected by the emergence of droplands product of urban growth what have taken with it a important decrease of rain forest.
- Chapala lake: On Jalisco the biggest lake of the republic has been decreased due to urban growth from the metropolitan area of Guadalajara.
- Mexico city: The urban stain watched from space is awsome, due to D.F. is the second most populated city just behind Tokyo, Japan.
- Torreón: Is pointed by PNUMA in its atlas thanks to water problem that there's on my dear city.
For more information visit
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Un poco de calentamiento global en Biodiversa::: A little about global warming at Biodiversa
Biodiversa es un encuentro sobre biodiversidad y desarrollo sostenible que se realiza en La Laguna anualmente desde el año 2003 en el ITESM Campus Laguna y en la edición de este año se esta presentado el Foro Mesoamericano de Cambio Climatico: Desafios y Compromisos de los Grupos Principales. El evento esta programado para los días 18 y 19 de junio. En el día 18 de junio se habló principalmente de calentamento global y los cambios significativos que ha traido al ambiente. En las conferencias impartidas se dieron algunos datos concretos y muy interesantes como por ejemplo:
Para más información:
Biodiversa is an event about biodiversity and sustainable development which is carried out in La Laguna every year since 2003 in ITESM Campus Laguna and in the edition of this year is being presented the Foro Mesoamericano de Cambio Climatico: Desafios y Compromisos de los Grupos Principales. The event is scheduled for June 18th and 19th. On June 18th it was about, mostly about global warming and significative changes that have been carried to environment. At imparted conferences were given some specific and interesting data, for example:
For more information:
- La concentración de CO2 se ha incrementado de 265 ppm en el inicio de la era industrial a 360 ppm en la actualidad.
- Los 11 años más calientes en la historia se han dado de 1990 a la fecha.
- Si se duplican las concentraciones de gases inveradero en el siglo XXI, con relación a 1750 la temperatura se incrementarà en 3ºC.
- En los diferentes modelos que predicen las condiciones ambientales a un plazo no mayor de 50 años, se presenta a México como un lugar con disminución en la frecuencia de lluvias aunque con aumento de tormentas y prolongación de sequías.
- De seguir la tendencia actual, los mares crecerán hasta 98cm y Tabasco sería una de las areas más afectadas por tal hecho.
- Con respecto a la huella de carbono, el límite es de 2 ton/día/persona y el promedio es de 4 ton/día/persona.
Para más información:
Biodiversa is an event about biodiversity and sustainable development which is carried out in La Laguna every year since 2003 in ITESM Campus Laguna and in the edition of this year is being presented the Foro Mesoamericano de Cambio Climatico: Desafios y Compromisos de los Grupos Principales. The event is scheduled for June 18th and 19th. On June 18th it was about, mostly about global warming and significative changes that have been carried to environment. At imparted conferences were given some specific and interesting data, for example:
- CO2 concentration has been increased from 256 ppm at the beginning of industrial age to now-a-days.
- The warmest 11 years of history have been from 1990 to now-a-days.
- If green house gases are dobbled in XXI century, relating 1750, temperature will increase 3ºC.
- On different models which predict environment conditions in a no longer period than 50 years, Mexico is presented as a place with decrease on rain rate although with a increase of storms and longer droughts.
- Weather current trend go on, oceans will grow up to 98cm and Tabasco would be one of the most affected areas of it.
- About the "footprint carbon", the limit is of 2 tons/day/person and the average is 4 tons/day/person.
For more information:
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Ranas, sapos y anfibios ::: Frogs, toads and amphibians
Actualmente existen muchas especies de anfibios en america que estan en peligro de extinción. La cifra es terrible ya que cerca de la mitad de las especies de anfibios que habitan en el continente estan en peligro de extinción segun informaron la organización NatureServe y de la Unión Mundial para la Naturaleza, y a proposito México se encuentra entre los países con mayor indice de especies extintas y en peligro de extinición. De las 669 especies de anfibios existentes, se cuenta con suficiente información sobre 539 como para evaluar su estado de conservación. Por desgracias se ha encontrado que 257 especies se encuentran amenazadas con la extinción, lo que representa el 48% de las especies documentadas. Sobre otras 130 especies no se tiene información, pero se teme que la tendencia sea la misma. En México se sabe de la existencia de 324 especies de anfibios, de las cuales se tiene suficiente información de algunas 276 por lo que se puede asegurar que 1 especie se ha extinguido definitivamente y 137 estan amenazadas. Solo resta cuidar el ambiente en lo que a cada individuo le sea posible.
Para más información visita http://www.ambiente-ecologico.com/ediciones/2003/086_01.2003/086_InfoGral08.php3
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Currently exists a lot of species of amphibians in America which are on danger of extinction. The figure is terrible due to around the half of amphibians species that inhabit the American continent are on danger of extinction as the Organization NatureServe and the Union Mundial para la Naturaleza informed, and by the way Mexico is between the countries with the higher rates of extinguished and on danger species. Of 669 amphibian species, there is enough information about 539 for evaluate its preservation state. Unfortunately it has founded that 257 species are on threat by extinction, what represents the 48% of documented species. About other 130 species there isn't information but is feared the trend be the same. Mexico is known for the existence of 324 amphibian species, from which there is enough information of some 276 for what is possible to say that 1 specie has extinguished definitely and 137 are threated. It's just for wait to take care of environment in what be possible for each individual.
For more information visit http://www.ambiente-ecologico.com/ediciones/2003/086_01.2003/086_InfoGral08.php3
Para más información visita http://www.ambiente-ecologico.com/ediciones/2003/086_01.2003/086_InfoGral08.php3
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Currently exists a lot of species of amphibians in America which are on danger of extinction. The figure is terrible due to around the half of amphibians species that inhabit the American continent are on danger of extinction as the Organization NatureServe and the Union Mundial para la Naturaleza informed, and by the way Mexico is between the countries with the higher rates of extinguished and on danger species. Of 669 amphibian species, there is enough information about 539 for evaluate its preservation state. Unfortunately it has founded that 257 species are on threat by extinction, what represents the 48% of documented species. About other 130 species there isn't information but is feared the trend be the same. Mexico is known for the existence of 324 amphibian species, from which there is enough information of some 276 for what is possible to say that 1 specie has extinguished definitely and 137 are threated. It's just for wait to take care of environment in what be possible for each individual.
For more information visit http://www.ambiente-ecologico.com/ediciones/2003/086_01.2003/086_InfoGral08.php3
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