Thursday, November 18, 2010

Our eyes reach further than our minds

A publication of Dr. Vogt, reports the discovery of an exo-planet orbiting the dwarf star Gliese581 which is around 20 light years from earth.
But this is not what is surprising. Since the first exo-planet discovered a decade ago, there are now approximately 500 known exo-planets.
What the publication emphasizes is that this new planet lies in the "goldilock zone" this zone is the distance between a planet and its star needed to find water in its three states. The distance not too far and not to near that makes a planet candidate to harvest life. The planet has aproximately 3 to 4 times the mass of Earth, this property gives the possibility to have ENOUGH gravity for an atmosphere.
Some facts that i liked about the note was that Gliese 581 g (the planet) always has one side facing its star and one facing darkness, so the scientist predict that in a region between both sides temperatures could be just right to give various life forms.
"Any emerging life forms would have a wide range of stable climates to choose from and to evolve around, depending on their longitude," said Dr Vogt. The author also comments that the potentially habitable planets in the universe is around 10 - 20%, this number is staggering

and some questions arose to me while reading the note.
"We're at exactly that threshold now with finding habitable planets," said Paul Butler of the Carnegie Institution, a co-author of the study......
if we were to someday reach this planets, would we suffer the same thing as the aliens of "war of the worlds"... die by microbes =)....

Does the fact of one side always facing the star mean that the planet does not rotate at all. Could the non rotating characteristic of the planet be the reason of the uncertain gravity to form an atmosphere? if so than how lucky we are the earth revolves at 1674 km per hour =0

Also observe the tittle of the entry.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Buon viaggio!!

El pasado 3 de Noviembre nuestros queridos compañeros Alejandra Alvarado y Aldo Almeida partieron rumbo a Venecia, Italia al "Third International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste" para presentar los resultados de sus trabajos en las ponencias:

Opportunities for co-digestion of industrial and agricultural substrates for anaerobic digestion.

Biochemical Methane Potential of desert plants: Aloe vera and Opuntia robusta in La Comarca Lagunera.

Confiamos en el buen desempeño que realizarán y esperamos que pronto estén de vuelta!

Mucho éxito!!


On November 3rd our dear partners Alejandra Alvarado and Aldo Almeida traveled to Venice, Italy to the "Third International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste" to present the results of their work in the papers:

Opportunities for co-digestion of industrial and agricultural substrates for anaerobic digestion.

Biochemical Methane Potential of desert plants: Aloe vera and Opuntia robusta in La Comarca Lagunera.

We trust on their good performance and hope to get them back soon!

Best Regards!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Finally October edition of Bio-Sciences!

La edición de Octubre de Bio-Sciences ha llegado, un poco tarde pero ya esta aquí para todos!

En este mes pueden encontrar artículos de temas muy interesantes sobre todo de Cambio Climático donde encontrarán un recuento de cumbres y reuniones acerca de los acuerdos para combatir este problema.

Esperemos que todos pasen y le echen un vistazo a esta grandiosa edición! y no olviden enviar sus comentarios a :

y visita nuestros enlaces por Facebook (Bio-Sciences Journal) y Twitter (@bio_sciences)

The October edition of Bio-Sciences has arrived a little late but is here for everyone!

In this month may find very interesting articles on all topics of Climate Change where you will find an account of summits and meetings of the agreements to combat this problem.

Hopefully, all will pass and take a look at this great issue! and do not forget to send your comments to:

and check out our links for Facebook (Bio-Sciences Journal) and Twitter (@ bio_sciences).