Sunday, November 23, 2008

Crazy green idea

Hello everybody!!

I was looking at videos in Youtube this morning and I found a very interesting one. Is about an organization named X Prize that called on youtube viewers for their crazy green ideas. Many people uploaded their videos and now this organization has 3 finalist for us to vote. All the videos are intersting. I am posting the link so that you could follow it and vote.

Would be great if we all as a group could prepare one video with our ideas for environmental care.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Scanning Electron Microscope.

This last week was an amazing one for our experience in our 5 months intership at the University of Georgia at Athens, Georgia.
Our professor Dr. Nagamani spend 2 weeks of hard work with us at the laboratory, he found very interesting facts about our preliminary results obtained from our research on anaerobic co-digestion of dairy manure-algae and poultry litter-dairy manure, so we decided to make a checking on a fluorescence microscope, we found a very pretty Methanosarcina archea present in most of the reactors. So this lead us to realize a more specific analysis, and we had one of greatest experience in life science, checking our anaerobic consortium in an Electron Microscope or Scanning Electron Microscope.
We realized all the process on preparing our samples to this fascinating analysis.
It consist in 1) Fixation of our sample, this step is to maintain intact all the sample structure, 2) Critical Point Drying, this is necessary to keep our sample without moisture after fixation because it can affect our sample structure. 3) Gold coating, we realized a gold coating to make our sample visible to the Electron microscope, without this it can not be possible to observe the sample structure. We realized this sample preparation in the Electron Microscopy Laboratory, Division of Biological Sciences and Center for Ultrastructural Research, under the direction of Dr. John Shields. And we realized the scanning at the School of Veterinary in the Electron Microscope Laboratory. We found a lot of small aggregation form of methanosarcina sp in the dairy manure-algae reactors, and a lot of big aggregation forms of methanosarcina sp in the poultry litter-dairy manure reactors. We want to say thank you to our professor Dr. Nagamani Balagurusamy for all his support and suggestions to our research. And I just want to say that we have a lot of work to do in our laboratory (Bioremediation Group Laguna) to make our planet a better place to live and make all the effort to convert our lab in one of the most important Environmental Biotechnology labs in Mexico and why not one the best in the world...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Just little about informatics :::: Solo un poco de informatica

Around three months ago I discovered the concept of free software throughout Ubuntu (and a Colombian man who talked about it with us). Ubuntu is an operative system based on Linux, or with core in it, I'm not good in this. So the point is that I decided to try a new OS because I was tired of virus in my laptop with XP, so as the last resource I looked at it. But what was my sorprise when I realized that Ubuntu worked much better than Windows XP in my laptop, it never broke down, it didn't have virus, and even there were many useful programms which ran better and had more options and utilities. The only problem was that I downloaded a newer version of the Ubuntu that didn't worked with my laptop and by that moment I had three OS Ubuntu 8.04, the newer Ubuntu and Windows XP. So I decided to change to Win Vista which was very heavy, what did my computer slower than before. So, again I returned to Windows XP.

Now I worked with XP but today I looked for some programms that I used to use in Ubuntu like Pidgin, that launch accounts of Gtalk, msn, yahoo messenger, My space and more in the same messenger program; Open Office that is almost the same than Microsoft Office, but totally free; Gimp, a powerful image editor, just to mention some of them. So I let my self to suggest you to use free software and you won't have to look for serials illegally any more. Jaja

Well if you want to try some of those programms, this web site will be perfect to begin, thanks.

Cerca de tres meses atràs, descubrí el concepto de software libre a través de Ubuntu (y un Colombiano que nos hablo al respecto). Ubuntu es un sistema operativo basado en Linux o con al menos con su núcleo, no soy bueno en esto. Pero bueno, el punto es que decidí probar un nuevo OS debido a que estaba fastidiado de los virus en my laptop con XP, así que como último recurso lo probé. Pero cual fue mi sorpresa cuando me dí cuenta que Ubuntu trabajaba mucho mejor que Windows XP en mi laptop, nunca se trababa, no tenía virus, e incluso había muchos programas útiles que corrían mejor y tenían mas utilidades y opciones. El único problema fue que baje una versión más nueva de Ubuntu que no funcionó en mi laptop y entonces ya tenía tres sistemas operativos, Ubuntu 8.04, la nueva versión de Ubuntu y Windows XP, lo que hacía mi computadora un poco lenta. Así, decidí cambiar a Windows Vista, el cual era muy pesado, así que regrese a Windows XP.

Ahora trabajo con Windows XP, pero hoy busqué algunos de los programas que usaba en Ubuntu como Pidgin, que carga cuentas de Gtalk, MSN, Yahoo, messenger, My Space y más en el mismo mensajero; Open Office que es casi igual a Microsoft Office pero totalmente gratis; Gimp, un poderoso editor de imagenes, solo por mencionar algunos. Así que me permito sugerirles usar software libre y ya no tendrán que buscar más numeros de serie ilegalmente. Jajaj

Bueno si quieren probar algunos de esos programas, esta página será perfecta para iniciar, gracias.