Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Science and life

Studying, listening, reading, talking and researching are some of the ways we could acces into science. But why science is so though I wonder myself?

To be in science the person need to understand the different variables that could affect just a particular area of knowledge, and that person must link all that knowledge even with his own ideas to make his own way of thinking. That's one of the hardest skills people should develop. Science is though due to it is made to try to explain rationally every single aspect of life withthin the possibilities of the times. Others ways to explain phenomenons barely explain detaily the reasons and often those explanations fall in unequivocal answers on which is better to believe than grasp it completely.

We don't know until now, if it is the best way to generate knowledge, but it has been the most adequate till nowadays. Hence others could say that science has commited mistakes before, but don't forget science is only the knowledge as it is,as it's been created for our discovering; and scientists, humans, are the direct responsibles of executing the practical usages.

Eventhough mankind is, and we are going to be forever, feeling entities and we'll be uneable to explain rationally all we can feel, love, hate... all we can see, and that's (I think) god's businesses.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Welcome back Argelia & Cheve

Glad to welcome back both Argelia and Cheve after their 5 months and 2 weeks stint at the University of Georgia under the guidance of Dr. K.C. Das and Dr. William B. Whitman. Hopeful that their experience will help them to plan their professional and personal career and will share their learning for the benefit of comarca lagunera.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Thanx to Oscar, i got to know this movie about our HOME. It is available in youtube until 14th June. Please see it with out fail . Although it is nearly 90 min long, I promise you that YOU WILL NOT REPENT SEEING IT.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Los científicos buscan nuevos métodos para almacenar el hidrógeno para que sea viable como combustible

El hidrógeno ha sido considerado desde hace años como el combustible del futuro, algo como el santo grial de las alternativas no fósiles. Es uno de los gases más abundantes en el Universo y muchos motores pueden quemarlo para propulsarse emitiendo tan sólo agua por el tubo de escape.

El único problema es que ni se consigue almacenar suficiente hidrógeno en estado líquido como para permitir que los coches tengan autonomías decentes, ni se ha solucionado el principal escollo: su peligrosidad.

bueno aqui les dejo el link para q vean el video. discutan y comenten. me interesan sus comentarios.
