Sunday, February 26, 2012

Extending horizons with in Mexico

Lorena Palacio Molina (second on left hand side of Dr. Oropeza in photo) left yesterday (25th Feb., 2012) evening to Instituto de Biotecnologia, Cuernavaca, Morelos to carry out part of her thesis work with Dr. Ricardo Oropeza (in blue t-shirt at Centre of the photo), a distinguished alumini and a good friend of our Facultad, hopefully soon officially :-). She will be working on "mcrA gene of methanogens and its relevance in monitoring anaerobic biodigestors" until August, 2012 with Dr. Oropeza. We thank Dr. Oropeza for this collaboration and for accepting Lorena at his lab. We hope that this stay helps her to learn and look for more such learnings in her future.
Our best wishes to Lorena for a happy and productive stay at IBT.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Community Lab

What do you think about this BBC news?

A group of researchers has created the first community-run biology laboratory in New York City.

The lab is an effort to provide a home for amateur scientists, as well as professionals looking for a space away from academia and business.

The co-founder of Genspace says it is "crucial that this lab exists" in order to foster creativity in the sciences.

The BBC's Matt Danzico visited the Brooklyn facility, which originally opened in late 2010, at a building home to a range of professionals ranging from designers to pastry chefs.

Check the video:

Thursday, February 2, 2012

uppercut to the arsenic-life paper - Rosie's preprint

YEAH... in the middle of a controversial media fight against SOPA, PIPA, ACTA & others acts "against" piracy and copyright info's sharing. Rosie Redfield show us that PEER-REVIEW CAN BE PUBLIC, just two days ago the arsenic-life manuscript of Rosie's team was submitted to Science, reporting the lack of arsenate in the DNA of arsenate-grown GFAJ-1 cells, now this pre-print is available on the arXiv server at

Critical commentaries alredy started, so I'd like to see a good discussion about this in our lab, starting from here.

<-- i made this pic, with all my respect to Rosie Redfield & their team.