Tuesday, July 31, 2012

One More Step Forward - Ale

Ale, one of the important pillars of our group has left Torreon today morning to West Virginia State University, Institute, WV, USA for her Masters degree on Biotechnology. One more step forward by our lab due to the efforts of Ale, who showed youngsters in our lab by her personal example that it is only efforts that will take people to higher levels in their life and not just dreams and/or goals.
We are confident that she will do her best and her lab at WVSU too will gain a lot with her work. Our best wishes are with her for a bright professional and personal future.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Vacations time???

In order to have some mind-stimulating activities for these vacations, besides of my regular work, I made this list:

- Watch TED lectures, "ideas worth spreading" (www.ted.com)
- Take some on-line lectures from Harvard, MIT, UCLA, Caltech... (www.lecturefox.com)
- Blog-gossiping in some interesting topic... #arseniclife #higgsboson #neoevolution 
- Read some sci-fi book // or any book
- Watch full operas #traviata #carmen #norma #tosca #pagliacci #turandot #rigoleto // or just some arias
- Improve your 2nd or 3rd language
- Write #poems #diary #short-stories #songs //whatever
- Practice yoga

Maybe you can tell us what are you gonna do to keep your mind working...

ahhhh by the way, let's start with Aldo's idea of a monthly debate... any interested?