Friday, May 17, 2013

Felicidades Eliab!

Felicidades Eliab for successfully defending your work with honors against a volley of really interesting & tough questions from your board of examiners. You really demonstrated your abilities in maintaining your nerve and relating the aspects you learned all through your graduate program. Of course, the credit goes to Dr. German Calderon & Dr. Erick Sierra too in realizing this work. 

We are hopeful that your work will form the base for more interesting future works to emerge from our lab on attending the problems of biodigesters with a new perspective and at the same time consolidating collaboration of our Biorem with Dr. Erick Sierra of Facultad de Quimicas of UJED at Gomez Palacio, Dr. Ricardo Oropeza of IBT of UNAM at Cuernavaca & Dr. David Huber at WVSU, WV, USA. 

One more Graduate from Biorem. Good work & Well done Eliab 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Congrats Arge & Salvador

Congratulations to Arge & Salvador. Two more Grads from our lab. Both of them successfully defended their thesis with honors on 3rd May, 2013. It was nice to see their presentations & the spirit with which they defended their work to the queries of the examiners and those of the public.

Full credit for the good work of Salvador is due to the guidance and untiring efforts of Dra. Norma Margarita de la Fuente Salcido, Professor of our school as Director of his thesis. Congratulations from our lab to her and to Dr. Jose Eleazar Barboza-Corona, Universidad de Guanajuato, Mexico, Co-Director of Salvador's thesis. Well done Salvador, you are a part of us & our lab.

In the case of Arge, our thanks are due to Dr. David Huber, Professor, Department of Biology, West Virginia State University, Institute, WV, USA for his guidance as one of the Directors and his unconditional support to Arge in her thesis work and to our lab in general. The credit of Arge's work goes to him & with deep sense of gratitude we are happy to extend our warm congratulations to Dr. Huber. Excellent work & Well done Arge.
PS: Sorry for the delay in posting this happy news, which is due to the difficulty in getting a photo of Salvador on his D-day.