Monday, November 24, 2014

Best wishes Isco

Best wishes to Isco for his trip today to Havana, Cuba for oral presentation of his paper on "Synergic effect of volatile fatty acids (≥C3) at different concentrations on methanogenesis"at XI Simposio Latinoamericano de Digestión Anaerobia at Havana, Cuba (24-27 November, 2014). We are confident that Isco will do justice to his work done at our lab and will also enrich his knowledge by way participation and sharing it with others at school on return. Our sincere thanks to Rector of our University and President and Members of the City Council of Matamoros for their support to Isco to participate and present his work at this International event focused on anaerobic digestion.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

mcrA and its utility in monitoring biodigesters

Hard work and consistent efforts of Ale and Lili, coupled with work carried out by Lorena and the support of Dr. Ricardo Oropeza Navarro, Instituto de Biotecnologia of UNAM, Cuernavaca, Morelos has resulted in the recent acceptance of our manuscript for publication in Frontiers in Microbiology. Abstract cum full paper is available in the web page of the journal. 

Congrats to the young team of Ale, Lili and Lorena and thanks to Dr. Ricardo & Dra. Miriam. Hope this is first of the many for Ale, Lili and Lorena.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

"The theory of everything", An amazing reality

What do you know about the genius Sthephen Hawking? Very little is understood about Hawking in America or Canada,” says Anthony McCarten, the film’s screenwriter. “Nine of 10 people think he’s American. Most people think he was born disabled. They don’t know he was married and has three kids. There’s a lot of news to break with this film.”
The theory of everything is a movie based in the book of his ex wife travelling to infinitive: my life with Stephen.
In this story is showed not just when he falls in love, there is also something of his terriblee disease, and his most amazing accoplishments. 
McCarrten, promises the movie is an excellent work, and says that when Hawking saw the completed film for the first time, he was crying.
If we want to learn more, we can begin to consider go to watch it!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Unrecognized marine microbes consume up to 90 percent of the methane in the deep sea that would otherwise escape.

Methane emissions from the oceans are largely controlled by a specific group of microorganisms, they can consume up to 90% of the methane that is generated in the deep-sea. When this methane is exploted, is generated the precipitation of authigenic carbonates. 
Recently, a group of researchers have discovered a previously-unrecognized biological sink for a potent greenhouse gas: methane-breathing microbes living within rocky mounds on the seafloor. By using methane, these rock-dwelling microbes remove large amounts of the greenhouse gas from the ocean before they escape into the atmosphere. The findings were published in Nature Communications this week. 
Methane-consuming microorganisms are known to live near cold seeps -- ocean floor areas where methane seepage naturally occurs -- as well as in thin layers of sediment on the surface of huge, rocky outcroppings of calcium carbonate surrounding seep sites. These tall structures are better known as foundations for coral and sponges and homes for rockfishes, clams, and crabs. Finding active methane-consuming microbes in the interior of carbonate rocks extends their known habitat and introduces a new ecological niche for key methane consumers. 
"Methane is a much more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, so tracing its flow through the environment is really a priority for climate models and for understanding the carbon cycle," Caltech’s Victoria Orphan says in a university statement. Her team previously found that two microorganisms that survive without oxygen work together to consume methane using sulfate from seawater: single-celled creatures called anaerobic methanotrophs and their bacteria partners. Until now, this two-microbe system has only been observed oxidizing methane at seeps. 
“No one had really examined these rocks as living habitats before,” Andrew Thurber of Oregon State says in a news release. They were just assumed to be inactive, serving as passive recorders of methane oxidation over time. “This goes to show how the global methane process is still rather poorly understood.” 
Using manned and robotic submersibles, the team collected rock samples from active cold seeps as well as carbonate mounds that appeared to be dormant at three sites: the tectonic plate boundary near Costa Rica (right), Eel River basin off the coast of northwestern California, and Hydrate Ridge off the Oregon coast (above). The rocks range in depth from 600 to 800 meters below the surface and in size from small pebbles to carbonate pavements stretching for dozens of kilometers. 
Back at the surface, the carbonates were cracked, and a series of tests confirmed that the rocks did indeed host anaerobic methanotrophs and sulfate-reducing bacteria. Genetic analysis showed how they were related to methane-munchers previously characterized in seafloor sediment. 
"The carbonate-based microbes breathed methane at roughly one-third the rate of those gathered from sediments near active seep sites," Caltech’s Jeffrey Marlow explains. The team used radiolabeled carbon-14 methane tracer gas to quantify the rates of methane consumption. "However, because there are likely many more microbes living in carbonate mounds than in sediments, their contributions to methane removal from the environment may be more significant."

Carbonate rocks can rise more than a hundred meters above the seafloor at methane seep sites like this one at Hydrate Ridge, Oregon.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Best wishes Lili

Best wishes to Ms. Lilia Ernestina Montañez Hernández, who is leaving to Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico for her research stay at Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM. She will work there under the guidance of Dr. Ricardo Oropeza Navarro, who is her Co-Director of thesis. Hope her stay for about six moths at IBT will aid her to complete part of her Masters thesis. We are also positively hopeful that her stay will be purposeful, productive and beneficial to her both in terms of personal and professional aspects. Further, her stay will help other members of lab to learn from her and motivate them to aspire for national and International exhange programs to improve themselves. We are thankful to CONACyT for the beca mixta awarded to her and to Dr. Ricardo Oropeza for receiving and extending support to her and to our lab.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Felicidades Omar!

Congratulations to Inty Omar for his successfully defense of his thesis work with honors, today June 27th 2014. He did an excellent work at his presentacion and at answering the questions from his examiners. Thank you for your guidance, advices and support throughout your time in the lab!

Our thanks go also to Dr. David Huber, Professor, Department of Biology, West Virginia State University, Institute, WV, USA for his guidance and support as one of the directors of Omar’s thesis. We hope that Omar's work will form the base for more future works and ideas about biodigesters management.

Gracias y muchas felicidades, Omar! :)

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Best wishes Inty Omar & Jesus

Our best wishes to Inty Omar Hernandez De Lira & Jesus Jimenez Ascencio for their trip today to participate and present their work on “Dynamics of bacterial & archaeal communities of a performing and non-performing lagoon type biodigesters at Comarca Lagunera, Mexico” (Oral presentation by Inty Omar) & “Correlation between fluorescence intensity & methane production by a mixed methanogenic cultures at different growth phase & different culture conditions” (Poster presentation by Jesus) at the 2nd International Conference on Biogas Microbiology to be held at Uppsala, Sweden.
We are sure that they will do their best and on return will share their learnings and experiences to our team. I am sure their participation will motivate us to do much more things.
We, Biorem lab gratefully acknowledge Our University, Presidencia-Torreon, COECYT, Presidencia-Gomez Palacio and Government of Durango, Government of Tabasco for making possible this trip of Inty Omar and Jesus. Further, we also acknowledge the help of Karla, Daniela, Leslie, Gaby, Thalia, Denise, Hector & Karla's friend in helping withour activities to raise funds for this trip. 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Felicidades Ale

photo-thanks to WVSU
We at biorem lab are sure that you would have received much accolades from your colleagues & teachers at West Virginia State University, USA for your accomplishment for getting admission in the Doctorate Program at Max Planck Institute forTerrestrial Microbiology, Marburg, Germany. But it brings us more joy to see this news appearing in the web page of WVSU. It is a proud moment for all of us to see this & we share the same to all our friends through our blog. We know its not luck, but only hard work and dedication has taken you to next level in your professional career. We are extremely proud that alumini from biorem lab of our school-Biologicas Torreon, Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila, Mexico are spreading their wings to fly high and hope your achievements will motivate & inspire more students from biorem lab & school to follow your footsteps.
For more info at
On a side note, we are also extremely proud that both Ale & Aldo, two students mentioned in the page as a badge of honor for WVSU are badge of honor for our lab & school too since both completed their Bachelors degree with us.
Congrats & best wishes Ale. En hora buena

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Aldo, Mejores deseos de la Comarca Lagunera

It is heartening that Aldo, one of the alumni from our lab and school has started his Doctorate Program from this week at Department of Plant & Environmental Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. Hope you will do an excellent work as have done at Biorem, at lab of Dr. Umesh, WVSU and leave your imprint at Dr. Soren's lab. Aldo, best wishes for a purposeful and enjoyable stay at Denmark.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

The ocean is ¨capital B-capital I-capital G¨

I am a fan of this TED-Ed videos, every time I watch one I have to suppress the urge to post it, but this one in particular made ​​me think a lot. If the ocean is so big, how serious is the acidification?
My vision is pretty limited, but ever since I read about ocean acidification, I can't avoid skepticism.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Un nuevo comienzo

Después de pasar las fiestas navideñas en compañía de los seres queridos y dejando atrás el año que termina, con cosas buenas y malas, nunca es tarde para un nuevo comienzo.
Nunca es tarde para cambiar la perspectiva de nuestra vida, cambiar nuestra mentalidad y así buscar un mejor desempeño en nuestras actividades, ya sean laborales, escolares, familiares, en cualquier ámbito; y así devolverle al mundo un poco de lo mucho que nos regala. Enfoquemonos en construir un buen futuro haciendo las cosas bien en el presente, pues como dijo alguna vez Jorge Luis Borges: "Modificar el pasado no es modificar un solo hecho, es anular sus consecuencias, que tienden a ser infinitas".
Como lo hace la naturaleza, hay que adaptarse a los cambios que surgen día con día en nuestro entorno, y la única manera de hacerlo es por medio de la evolución, aquella que desde hace miles de años permitió el perfeccionamiento de los seres vivos y que hoy en día nos mantiene en constante transformación.

Por eso iniciemos este año con una actitud positiva y no dejemos para mañana lo que podemos hacer hoy.