Wednesday, November 14, 2018

What are "calaveritas literarias"?

What are "calaveritas literarias"?

Mexico is a country rich in colorful and diverse traditions. Arguably the most interesting one, is the “day of the death”. In this date mexicans usually write “calaveritas literarias” which are a type of rime or even a poem intended to show the death as a joke, through the use of rhetoric, humor, metaphors and any literature recourse.  The “Calaverita” is a mean to play with the fear that the death induce in all of us as well a a funny way to introduce and talk about a variety of topics and people in a very unique and personal way. It is worth to mention that this tradition can be track as far as the famous “La portentosa vida de la muerte”  by Joaquín Bolaños in 1792.
It’s a beatiful element that give meaning to that day.
Image from J. Bolaños,1792,  "La portentosa vida de la muerte".

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