Hello Every Body!
We would like to tell you about a out campus visit we had, at a beef farm 30 miles from Athens.
We met Dr. Mark A. Froetschel a Senior professor at Dairy Science school, who needed to take some samples of rumen liquid and manure.
This site was created and maintained by the students pertaining to Bioremediation Research group of the Faculty of Biological Sciences Torreon (Facultad de Ciencias Biologicas de la Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila en la ciudad de Torreon) of the Autonomous University of Coahuila, Mexico for open discussion on the themes related to Environment, contamination, remediation, science and life.
Hello Every Body!
We would like to tell you about a out campus visit we had, at a beef farm 30 miles from Athens.
We met Dr. Mark A. Froetschel a Senior professor at Dairy Science school, who needed to take some samples of rumen liquid and manure.
What is a Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan?
A CNMP is a strategy for making wise use of plant nutrients to enhance farm profits while protecting water resources, looking at how nutrients are used and managed throughout the farm.
Nutrients inputs are brought to the farm through feeds, fertilizers, animal manures and other off-farm inputs, some of these are used, and some are recycled by plants and animals on the farm.
Nutrient outputs are the ones that leave the farm in harvested crops and animal products.
When nutrients outputs greatly exceed outputs from the farm, the risk of nutrient losses to ground water and surface water is greater.
When comparing nutrient inputs against nutrient outputs, you are creating a mass balance (important part of a CNMP). Ideally, nutrient inputs and outputs should be roughly the same.
Basic steps
1. Evaluation of nutrient needs.
2. Inventory of nutrient supply.
3. Determination of nutrient balance.
4. Mortality management.
5. Preventative maintenance and inspection.
6. Emergency response plan.
Well, we hope ya'll have a nice weekend!
We met on 27th of February, Dr Forrest E. Steglin and Dr. Jack E. Houston, Jr. From the College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences.
They talked about other TIES Programs with Mexican participants, although they are not related with engineering, but with education; These Drs. are some of our TIES Program Partners, giving us a view of how to apply economics in our reaserch.
Engineering kind of view:
Economist kind of view:
One thing that they told us, to get started is:
There the Economist can apply economics easily. So one advice is to keep our work organized from the beginning.
Another good thing about knowing the economic analysis is:
Take care ya'll !!