Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Meet with an Expert on Animal Manure Management

We attended a meet in Eucaliptos Farm on 12th December, where we met Mr. Mark Moser and had a discussion with him. He is one of the founders and President of RCM Digesters Inc., USA. He was trained as an agricultural engineer with special emphasis on livestock manure management. Over the past 21 years Mr. Moser has focused on methane production/recovery and nutrient management of animal wastes.

Their company use the following type of designs for anaerobic treatment of animal wastes, viz., Plug Flow, Completely Mixed, Covered Lagoon and Heated, Mixed Covered Lagoon

It was very informative and we had a great time !.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

New Logos

Ok, these are a set of logos I did for the Official page, I'm using some green tones because i really like green and I think its a good second choice because Gerardo made the other ones with blue.

Estos son un set de logos que yo hice para la pagina oficial, estoy usando unos tonos verdes porque realmente me gusta el verde, y creo que es una buena segunda opcion porque Gerardo hizo los otros en azul.

I really hope you like them and please remember to vote.

Realmente espero que les gusten y por favor voten.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Choose a logo!!!

Few designs of a logo for our group is posted here and selected logo will be linked in our school web page to represent our group. Cast your vote so that we can select one of the designs.

All the 4 logos were designed by Gerardo (volarentum). Very nice work Gerardo, we really appreciate.

If anyone else has a logo, don't hesitate to post it.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Visit to Granja Eucaliptos

We visited another farm, Granja Eucaliptos on 5th Dicember, 2007. The owner of this farm, Mr. José Luis Padilla Martínez is the President of the association of milk producers in Gómez Palacio, Durango. We hade a good discussion with him on the status of waste management in the cattle farms and poultry located in Gómez. They are in the process of installing a biodigester and are having some valid doubts before they go for operation.

We recorded all the info regarding the status of the livestock waste management in Gómez. We made an apointment with owner to return again on 12th Dicember to meet and discuss with one expert from USA to advice some farmers in Gómez, about the construction of the biodigester.

We thank Ulises, who made arrangements for this trip and we also really appreciate Mr. José Luis Padilla Martínez for welcoming us with open arms and for his frank, useful comments and discussion.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Visit to Granja San Jose

We Visited the Farm San Jose located on the freeway to San Pedro on 4th Dicember, 2007. A place far away, a complicated visit, but we made it.

There we meet the owner of the farm, who explained us the functioning of the biodigester. They have been using it for 7 months now. They have around 1300 cows for milk production, which produce around 15-20 ton of dung every day.

Components of the system:
  • All water used in the farm goes to a lagoon along with the wastes.
  • Then in a series of tanks, water is separated from solids.
  • Finally the water is fed to the biodigester, designed like a lagoon.
  • Gas produced is collected, measured and burnt for carbon credits.

While going, one of our cars was showing little problem and while returning, tank was nearly empty of gasoline, but fortunately we solved these hiccups and had a informative trip.
Thanks to Jacobo, who arranged this trip. We also like to record our thanks to the owner of the ranch for receiving us.