Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What do you think? ::: ¿Tú qué piensas?

Una organización defensora de los animales esta, a mi punto de vista, cometiendo un grave error al ofrecer un millón de dólares a quien sea capaz de "fabricar" carne artificial. El reto fue lanzado debido a que según la PETA (por sus siglas en inglés, Personas por un trato ético a los animales) cada año se están sacrificando más de 40,000 millones de animales de manera horrible por lo que según la organización estadounidense la idea de consumir carne fabricada in vitro no es una idea descabellada. Así pues tu tienes la mejor opinión. Para más información visita
An organization of animals is, according to my point of view, doing a serious mistake by offering one million dollars whom be able to "manufacture" artificial meat. The challenge was given due to, according to PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) each year are sacrified more than 40,000 million in animals in horrible conditions for what the American organization is saying that the idea of consuming manufactured meat in vitro is not a preposterous idea. Thus you have the best opinion. For more information visit

Saturday, April 12, 2008


hello everybody
I traveled to Charleston, West Virginia during the first week of April to participate in a workshop on "Microarrays".
Microarrays help us to study the interaction between genes and the control cell using a software, which can identify the hibridization with the cDNA which have a fluorescent marker that indicate which genes are turned on or turn off. The applications of microarrays are: gene expression studies, microorganisms identification, DNA firgerprint barcoding.
In the workshop i learnt this technique. Lot of advances continue to take place every day on this technology and help us to use it in differents areas like genomics, biomedicals, biotechnology and others.

Friends, it is so important that we continue taking these oportunities and face it. In my case, it was complete a new experience and i have good memories about it. I met new people and learned much about each one.

Thanks to Ciencias Biologicas UA de C and West Virginia State University for giving me this opportunity and Dr Nagamani for trust in me...
Lucy Tello

Friday, April 11, 2008

TIES Symposium

A one day symposium on "Energy & Environmenal Technologies for Sustainable Devlopment" is to be held at Driftmier Auditorium, Driftmier Engineering Centre, University of Georgia, Athens, USA on 17th April, 2008. It is organized by Dr. K. C. Das and Dr. Nagamani Balagurusamy under the TIES project funded by USAID-HED.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Is CO2 good for something? ::: Es el CO2 bueno para algo?

Recently Toshiyasu Sakakura and his collegues of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology in Tsukuba in Japan developed a catalyst reaction to convert CO2 into a plastic precursor, synthesis of which currently requires phosgene. This fact is important due to two aspects: first, human consumption of plastic products is huge and excess release of CO2 and methane result in global warming. Maybe the best part of the production of plastics through CO2 and methane is that the wastes produced by the processes are simply water, which is the cleanest refuse, but never imagined.

Recientemente Toshiyasu Sakakura y sus colegas del Instituto Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología Industrial Avanzada de Tsukuba, Japón desarrollaron una reacción catalitica para convertir CO2 en un precursor de plástico para cuya sintesis actualmente se requiere "phosgene". Este hecho es importante debido a dos aspectos: primeramente, el consumo de plásticos por humanos es enorme y la producción de CO2 y metano permite que el calentamiento global crezca y crezca. Tal vez lo mejor de la producción de plásticos a tráves de CO2 y metano es que los desechos producidos por los procesos son simplemente agua que es el desperdicio más limpio jamás pensado.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

International Workshop on Microarrays

Best wishes to Ms. Lucia for a happy journey and a useful stay at Charleston, WV, USA. Hope she will bring us new ideas on the application of Microarray technology in our research area after attending the "International Workshop on Microarrays", to be held at West Virginia State University, Institute, WV from 2nd to 5th April, 2008. Dr. Umesh Reddy is organizing this Workshop and our thanks to him for extending the invitation to us for participation.