An organization of animals is, according to my point of view, doing a serious mistake by offering one million dollars whom be able to "manufacture" artificial meat. The challenge was given due to, according to PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) each year are sacrified more than 40,000 million in animals in horrible conditions for what the American organization is saying that the idea of consuming manufactured meat in vitro is not a preposterous idea. Thus you have the best opinion. For more information visit http://www.losandes.com.ar/notas/2008/4/21/un-355170.asp
1 comment:
This is a very interesting topic. And is interesting that PETA just care about taste and if it can be produced in large scale. I wonder what happen if the inmune system doesn't exist there how it would be defended from infection?. And Where would it come from the nutrients that will be needed to growth the cells?
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