Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Iba caminando algo cansado por el tercer piso de mi escuela cuando, justo antes de dar vuelta para tomar el elevador, volteo a ver el pizarrón que frecuentemente es abusado por quien sea que tenga manos y un gis al alcance. En esta ocasión estaba una pregunta interesante que me gustaría compartir con vosotros (diría mi tatara-tatara-tatara-abuelo):

-¿Qué significa progreso?¿Cómo sabemos?

Tomenlo como pregunta de ciencia y/o filosofía, pues en repetidas ocasiones la frontera no es clara entre ciencia y filosofía, además de que afortunadamente respuestas de un ámbito sirven para responder las del otro campo.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Congrats Melisa & Emilio

Emilio Nafarrate & Melisa Hermosillo, first batch of graduate students of our lab successfully defended their thesis today. One more milestone for our lab. I am confident that many more are to come. But the work of a graduate student is not finished until he/ she get the work published in a journal. I am hopeful that both Emilio and Melisa will do it and set example for others to follow.Our hearty congratulations to both. Our best wishes to both of them for a challenging and successful career.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Branching Out for Training & Collaboration

Salvador and Sara, who left today early morning (8th October) to the lab of Dr. Umesh Reddy and Dr. Padma at Department of Biology, West Virginia State University, USA to attend a training on Fluorescent In-Situ Hybridization technique (FISH). Thanks to Dr. Umesh and Dr. Padma for giving this opportunity to Salvador and Sara. 

Raul and Edith reached today the lab of Dr. Teodoro Espinosa Solares y Dra. Guadalupe Hernandez Eugenio, Departamento de Ingeniería Agroindustrial, Universidad Autonoma Chapingo for initiating collaborative work between both of our labs. Thanks to Dr. Teodoro and Dra. Guadalupe for this opportunity to Raul and Edith. 

Hope our colleagues make use of this opportunity to update their skills and knowledge and our best wishes are with them for a happy and successful experience.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

¿En qué momento?

Contento porque estoy en una computadora con acentos (espero los use bien) empezaré a exponer mis ideas.

No logro concebir la idea de un exceso de gente estudiando, yo lo supondría una meta a lograr, me parece imposible coincidir con quienes afirman que no es bueno hacer un doctorado, aunque a la vez que escribo esto y cada que discuto esto con alguien pienso que quizás tengan algo de razón. Es decir, un estudiante se las ve negras en cuanto a sueldos, estudiar duro, visas, idiomas ajenos, no tiene trabajo estable (desgraciadamente quien sabe si encontrará alguno que le remunere cómodamente para mantener a su familia y dar educación a sus hijos), no hay horarios de trabajo en lab, es duro ver pasar el tiempo y ver que en 2-5 años habrá que empezar de nuevo a buscar otra escuela, nuevo laboratorio, tal vez nuevo país, en fin. Pero al final... ¿me ira bien?¿Iré por el camino correcto?

Otro aspecto de mi desconcierto es sobre la desigualdad sobre algunas regiones del mundo. ¿Cómo es posible que algunos países tengan problemas por tener demasiados PhDs y al mismo tiempo hay otros países que viven con un PhD por cada 10,000 habitantes? ¿No sería tiempo de que los países desarrollados exportaran gente capaz? ¿Será que el problema de exceso de PhDs no nos concierne a los mexicanos?

Por favor lean esto. Alguien expliqueme por Dios

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Consolidating Collaboration with WVSU

Thanks to Dr. David Huber's acceptance, Inty Omar, graduate student of our lab has left today morning to West Virginia State University, USA to carry out part of his research work. We are positively hopeful that he makes use of this stay in learning new skills, updating his knowledge on molecular analysis of biodigestors and consolidate our collaboration with Dr. David Huber's lab. Thanks are also to Argelia, Emmanuel, Natalia, Ale and Aldo for extending their support to Omar for this stay.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

One More Step Forward - Ale

Ale, one of the important pillars of our group has left Torreon today morning to West Virginia State University, Institute, WV, USA for her Masters degree on Biotechnology. One more step forward by our lab due to the efforts of Ale, who showed youngsters in our lab by her personal example that it is only efforts that will take people to higher levels in their life and not just dreams and/or goals.
We are confident that she will do her best and her lab at WVSU too will gain a lot with her work. Our best wishes are with her for a bright professional and personal future.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Vacations time???

In order to have some mind-stimulating activities for these vacations, besides of my regular work, I made this list:

- Watch TED lectures, "ideas worth spreading" (
- Take some on-line lectures from Harvard, MIT, UCLA, Caltech... (
- Blog-gossiping in some interesting topic... #arseniclife #higgsboson #neoevolution 
- Read some sci-fi book // or any book
- Watch full operas #traviata #carmen #norma #tosca #pagliacci #turandot #rigoleto // or just some arias
- Improve your 2nd or 3rd language
- Write #poems #diary #short-stories #songs //whatever
- Practice yoga

Maybe you can tell us what are you gonna do to keep your mind working...

ahhhh by the way, let's start with Aldo's idea of a monthly debate... any interested?

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy News!!

It is always a pleasure to convey you the Biorem achievements, and today we are celebrating a very special one, our first BOOK!!!

Thank you to all who made this possible!

If anyone is interested, here is the link where you can buy it:

Llame yaaa!!!

Monday, June 4, 2012

¿Se puede estudiar a tu antojo?

Algunas veces el camino parece duro, corrijo, ES DURO y es por eso que es importante escoger un área del conocimiento que nos guste.
En fin, luego de muchas aventuras, aciertos y desencantos me veo con un poco de ocio en este verano caluroso, mismo que aprovecho para saludar a mis amigos de Torreón y publicar una bonita noticia que afirma que el límite es nuestro empeño y razón fundamental por estudiar (lo que sea).

Moraleja: estudia lo que sea que te guste! Ya luego vendrán las recompensas

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Extending horizons with in Mexico

Lorena Palacio Molina (second on left hand side of Dr. Oropeza in photo) left yesterday (25th Feb., 2012) evening to Instituto de Biotecnologia, Cuernavaca, Morelos to carry out part of her thesis work with Dr. Ricardo Oropeza (in blue t-shirt at Centre of the photo), a distinguished alumini and a good friend of our Facultad, hopefully soon officially :-). She will be working on "mcrA gene of methanogens and its relevance in monitoring anaerobic biodigestors" until August, 2012 with Dr. Oropeza. We thank Dr. Oropeza for this collaboration and for accepting Lorena at his lab. We hope that this stay helps her to learn and look for more such learnings in her future.
Our best wishes to Lorena for a happy and productive stay at IBT.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Community Lab

What do you think about this BBC news?

A group of researchers has created the first community-run biology laboratory in New York City.

The lab is an effort to provide a home for amateur scientists, as well as professionals looking for a space away from academia and business.

The co-founder of Genspace says it is "crucial that this lab exists" in order to foster creativity in the sciences.

The BBC's Matt Danzico visited the Brooklyn facility, which originally opened in late 2010, at a building home to a range of professionals ranging from designers to pastry chefs.

Check the video:

Thursday, February 2, 2012

uppercut to the arsenic-life paper - Rosie's preprint

YEAH... in the middle of a controversial media fight against SOPA, PIPA, ACTA & others acts "against" piracy and copyright info's sharing. Rosie Redfield show us that PEER-REVIEW CAN BE PUBLIC, just two days ago the arsenic-life manuscript of Rosie's team was submitted to Science, reporting the lack of arsenate in the DNA of arsenate-grown GFAJ-1 cells, now this pre-print is available on the arXiv server at

Critical commentaries alredy started, so I'd like to see a good discussion about this in our lab, starting from here.

<-- i made this pic, with all my respect to Rosie Redfield & their team.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Milenio articles about BioremLab

This week our Lab has an interview with Milenio (Milenio Group) journalists, where we explain the latest projects which are being developed on Biorem Lab:

Estudiantes trabajan energía renovable

UA de C investiga energías alternativas

These are the first two articles of our group in the year, even this do not reflect the Lab productivity, this kind of articles help us to publicize the work that we are doing. 

I let u a list of previous articles about our group, about the work done by our friends Cheve, Natalia, Arge, Sarahí, Ale, Aldo, just for quote some of them:

University of Georgia and Mexican Universities focus on production of Biofuels in the agricultural sector.  (June, 2008)

Estudian las propiedades energéticas del Metano. (November 2008)

Buscan nuevos métodos para producir biogas. (November 2008)

Intercambio académico estudiantil en la UA de C. (January 2009)

Estudios sobre metano avanzan en Biológicas. (June 2009)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Talk with Diego Alberto Dévora Canales

Last Friday, we were lucky to have the chance of talk with Diego Alejandro, a former student of Biological Sciences (Class of 2008). His talk was very interesting. He explained us how he entered in the post-graduate program of CINVESTAV, Monterrey and explained his thesis project. It is an interesting multidisciplinary work.


His talk was really interesting. He explained how he study the motility of Trypanosoma cruzi and identify its relation to other known movements such as Brownian Motion and the Levy's Flight. His thesis work is related to one of your topics we discussed in March edition of BioSciences. For those who have forgotten, can consult the article about Chagas disease, entitled: Un mal que parece olvidado, la enfermedad de Chagas.

I do not even imagine that birds use mathematics to find food!!!

Diego's emails:

And... if you get lost in the woods... now you know how to survive:

Levy Flight (you will survive)                


        Brownian Motion (sorry for you)

Visita y Prácticas con estudiantes del Excelsior

La semana pasada, tuvimos la visita de estudiantes del Colegio Excelsior a Biorem Lab, los estudiantes pudieron estar en contacto con los integrantes de nuestro equipo de trabajo, realizaron 4 sencillas prácticas con el Microscopio de Fluorescencia, el Cromatógrafo de Gases, el Humedal Artificial Híbrido de Melisa y el Reactor UASB de Sol.

Esperamos que algunos de estos estudiantes se interesen en Ciencia, y que comiencen pronto su carrera como investigadores, recordemos que México está muy atrasado en el desarrollo de Ciencia Básica y Tecnología, así que para todos aquellos que quieran aprovechar las oportunidades que las instituciones mexicanas e internacionales ofrecen para el desarrollo de nuestra profesión, éstas ahí están disponibles, sin embargo, son sólo para los que están convencidos que la Ciencia e Investigación es lo que les gusta hacer, y es su prioridad; y están dispuestos a asumir las responsabilidades que con esto conlleva.

Les anexo unos links para que esten al pendientes de becas:


Hoy me mandó la Alianza Francesa esta convocatoria para distintas Universidades en París:

Erasmus Mundus también abrió sus convocatorias para Europa:

Friday, January 20, 2012

Research Stay

IBQ. Argelia Cervantes Ovalle, Master's student of our lab left today to Charleston, WV, USA to carry out part of her thesis work for six months at the laboratory of Dr. David  Huber, Professor, Department of Biology, West Virginia State University, Institute, USA. 

Our thanks to Dr. David Huber for accepting Argelia at his lab and for all his help in making her research stay possible.

Our best wishes to Argelia for a fruitful and productive stay in terms of learning and research with Dr. David Huber and hope her efforts will strengthen collaboration between our labs.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

LAB interpretation

"Here, we describe a bacterium, strain GFAJ-1 of the Halomonadaceae, isolated from Mono Lake, California, that is able to substitute arsenic for phosphorus to sustain its growth." for me, this means GFAJ-1 can live with Arsenic instead of Phosphorus, or not?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Natalia's Visit: Thank you!!!

Our laboratory was privileged again to see Natalia Montenegro, our colleague and friend. Currently she is in her second year of a master degree in biotechnology at West Virginia State University, along with our dearest friends Cheve and Aldo (Hi! guys), Natalia is part of Dr. David Huber's Lab, and is currently working whit Anaerobic Digestion.
Through a series of photographs, recalling her stay in our school and in our lab, explaining the lasts results of her projects and admiring some landscapes of the city where she lives now, she shared with us her experiences about getting a grand, and also her insight about the opportunities and challenges for Mexican students.
Among other things she told us that when there are something you really want, you should not stop trying, and that a consistent and timely preparation is the key to success in the entrance test. Finally, she concluded that despite the hard work you always have to keep smiling and because at the very end, the attitude is everything. Besides, we enjoy a very tasteful cake cause Ale's B-Day, congratulations to her!!
We're really grateful to Natalia, and waiting for her to come back soon. Cheve and Aldo are welcome to talk to us about their own experiences too, or even so, you can send us a video guys!!!

Atte. Ale & Emilio

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ya caigo (creo)

Luego de haber escuchado diversas explicaciones de los mismo, siempre me parecía confuso el verdadero significado. Explicado desde diferentes trincheras, el término me parecía ocioso. Yo no le veía sentido y mucho menos pensar en explicarle a alguien más el porque. ¡Y es que creo que tengo la respuesta!
Me refiero a ¿por qué el título PhD? Sí, sí unas palabras raras que en español vendrían siendo Doctor en Filosofía, pero porque filosofía? ¿Qué tiene de filosófico estudiar aún cuando puedes conseguir trabajo con el conocimiento que tienes? ¿Qué tan filosófico es crear conocimiento? Me parece que todo depende del individuo y precisamente ahí la tácita respuesta. Sin embargo me gustaría compartir un video explicativo, pues son pensamientos ilustrativos que me parecen simplemente complicados de explicar en un blog.

Sería como dudar del conocimiento existente o inexistente, tirar al diablo la facilidad del conformismo y aventurarse a la libertad del descubrimiento  de más conocimiento.