Adsorb refers to an two-dimensional action, because it means to retain something on the surface, for example:
This site was created and maintained by the students pertaining to Bioremediation Research group of the Faculty of Biological Sciences Torreon (Facultad de Ciencias Biologicas de la Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila en la ciudad de Torreon) of the Autonomous University of Coahuila, Mexico for open discussion on the themes related to Environment, contamination, remediation, science and life.
I prepared this video with some help of my brother
You will find it also in this link
Best wishes to everybody
Aimed on encourage the expression of scientific research done by students on areas of Natural Science at the Universidad Autònoma de Coahuila, its going to take place the First Meeting of Students for Sciene Expression
Thanks to the interest of the students of this university, we have received 30 presentations, 12 posters and 15 experiments designs to present on October 16 & 17.
Marco Antonio Taméz Ceballos, coordinator of Saltillo Campus said that the participants comes from the high schools on Saltillo Campus, as well as from faculties of Dentistry, Medicine, Nursery, Psychology, Physic-Mathematics Science, Chemical Science,Social work and from the School of Biological Science from Torreòn.
The coordinator highlighted that the woks are original and un published, and were evaluated for a committee on each school or faculty participating.
The publication of the works will be on the magazine of this university "CienciaAcierta" of the General Coordination of Graduate School and Research.
This event is arranged by the direction of academics affairs, the General Coordination of Graduate School and Research on Saltillo Campus and Outreach, and the academy of Natural Science.
Batopilas is a little town located in Francisco I. Madero in Coahuila. This is the first farming community in Mexico to develop energy from cow manure. This is possible by anaerobic digestion of cow manure through biodigesters. An engine burns methane and release CO2 and the energy is transformed in to electricity for the community. There is less negative impact to environment due to this effort by this community.
Because of this technology Batopilas habitants have saved 94 000 pesos on CFE bill!!!. Other advantages are potential production of organic fertilizers and clean water.
I found this very interesting because it is related with we are doing. I also think we must take a venture and go on excursion as sooner as we can to Batopilas in order to get a full idea about how this little town works.
So now I wonder what could happen if every house in Torreon have adapted a biodigestor? mmm interesting.... :)
We must feel proud for having these witty minds in Coahuila, which are trying to implement sustainable development strategies in our region. We also can accomplish many things by collaborating in the struggle to have a better world.
HaVe a Happy Week !!!!
Hello Every Body!
We would like to tell you about a out campus visit we had, at a beef farm 30 miles from Athens.
We met Dr. Mark A. Froetschel a Senior professor at Dairy Science school, who needed to take some samples of rumen liquid and manure.